Create your UbID account
Start by creating your Unbreakable Identity account

A user must assume responsibility for managing an account that provides digital identities to the web application(s). Obviously, it has to be of the Unbreakable Identity type. See: How to open an unbreakable identity account.

Configure UbID IdP
Configure UbID so that Unbreakable Identity can be added to your web application

To provide the unbreakable identity service, web applications are managed under a domain, and an associated cryptographic key is generated for each of the applications. As well, it can be customized, as well as other benefits. See: How to set the Unbreakable Identity (UbID) to a web application.

Add UbID IdP in your client application
You must add the codes that call UbID to your web application

The administrator of your web application that is integrating Unbreakable Identity has to add the code that you obtained from UbID. This modification is made in the client application.

Users of your client application will be able to log in using UbID IdP
Now the users of your web application can occupy the Unbreakable Identity

Your users can now use a self-managed digital identity that guarantees them a strong, reliable, legitimate, secure digital identity that is not subject to unauthorized modifications.